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Everything You Need to Be Successful !
Typically there are two types of website designs that clients need: The custom design and the template design.


Benefits of custom web design:

  • It is unique and created just for your business.
  • With the good web designer, it will be constructed so it is search engine friendly leading to the business success.
  • The website will be more adaptable to your company’s needs: If you have done your website planning, you will have a list of features you wish to have. By prioritizing this list of website features, you will give the web designer an idea of what to accommodate for in the future planning.
  • Scalability: Just like adaptability, if you have planned what you want in the future for your website, a good web designer will take this into consideration as they select the technologies to use while building the website.


The template design is another way to build a website using free website templates or purchased website templates. Let’s look at the advantage and disadvantage of using templates.

Website templates are good for:

  • Getting inspiration on colors, layouts and features. You cannot have your web designer copy these, but they do give the web designer an idea of the look you would like.
  • Very low budgets where you need to get up and running as soon as possible. If budget is holding you back from getting your business up on the Internet, then maybe a website template might be the way to go.
  • Shorter development time. It would appear that using a website template would include a shorter development time required for your website. Not really, read on.

The disadvantages of using website templates:

  • There is going to be a ton of other people using the same template. Unless you pay the “Exclusive” price for the template, the template website is going to keep selling that same template to anyone that comes along.
  • You will be limited on the customization of the website template. Without web page coding skills, you are still going to have to either spend the time and money to learn how to code a web page or hire someone to help you. Some templates are laid out very specific. Meaning if you incorporate your own graphics or have extensive content, the template could break.
  • Some website templates are not built to be search engine friendly. As explained above, it is important how the background coding of your website is done. If not done correctly, it could hurt your marketing efforts on the internet.

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